

The old and grey fortress of Akershus in downtown Oslo has a long and intriguing history. Built some seven centuries ago, its purpose was to safeguard the realm and the king's purse. Many a shot was fired in anger, both at and from the castle, but the fortress never fell and remained unconquered till the end. This free ebook, which is available in both English and Norwegian, describes the main buildings of Akershus as they looked in the Middle Ages, their purpose in the defense, and the daily lives of the defenders caught between bloodthirsty enemies outside the walls and fearsome ghosts inside.


Akershus. Middelalderborgen i Oslo.

Ebok i zipped epub-format.

Navnet Akershus festning kan sette fantasien i sving hos alle og enhver av oss. I løpet av de mer enn sju hundre årene festningen har eksistert, har den spilt en sentral rolle i norgeshistorien. Og ikke bare det, festningens mange tårn og bastioner er fulle av historier om gjenferd og skrømt, djevelhunder, riddere, konger, dronninger og straffanger.

Denne boka er en kortfattet oversikt over de viktigste bygningene i middelalderen, hvilken rolle de hadde i forsvaret av festningen og litt om hvilke begivenheter som har utspilt seg der igjennom årene.

Last ned gratis ebok: Akershus. Middelalderborgen i Oslo


Akershus. Oslo's Medieval Castle

Ebook in zipped epub format.

The very name of Akershus Castle can stimulate the imagination of both young and old. The ancient castle is seeped in history, and can look back on more than seven centuries as defender of the realm. Its many walls and towers have seen kings, queens, and knights come and go, as well as commoners, prisoners, even ghosts, apparitions, and devil dogs.

This is a quick guide to the castle and its many buldings as they must have appeared in the Middle Ages, including their role in the defense, as well as some of the stories that unfolded there.

Free ebook: Akershus. Oslo's Medieval Castle



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