My Strip


The strip was created around the time of the Great Recession, which coincided with demise and death of newspapers. Times were hard for struggling cartoonists, and many a comic strip went under as well. Mr. Boomer (of The Boomers) spends his life's savings buying one of these bankrupt comic strips, trying to turn it into a huge success. My Strip is of course indebted to Mort Walker and Jerry Dumas' Sam's Strip, which likewise went under in 1963 after a just short run in the newspapers. The general audience wasn't ready for a metacomic in 1963, and things probably haven't changed much half a century later. Except for the fact that nobody reads papers anymore.



We all love books. Here's a little library of books, consisting mostly of my own work. And also some free stuff.

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If there's a common denominator in my work, it's probably that none of it should be taken too seriously – art is far too important for that.

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A collection of comic strips created over the years, with focus on my solo efforts. Many of these strips are previously unpublished.

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